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Thereabouts O'Clock

Hello Pumpkins!

Well, I really feel great and energetic today! I had a great night’s sleep; only waking up once (to pee, if you really must know). Usually I wake up around three times (yes, to pee again…nosey!) anyway, the early morning was nice and cool…one of those mornings that make you remember why you moved here, in spite of the scorching hot summers. Two cups of Cinnabon flavored creamer splashed with coffee. Spent some time with The Hubby (to pee…I’m JOKING!!)

Anyhow, we drove over to Lowes to pick up some concrete pavers; I making a little mini courtyard outside my office window. A small table and a couple of patio chairs….and voila! A perfect little place to have some coffee creamer and watch the sky changing colors at sunrise. Those suckers are heavy…and I keep telling folks that my muscles are purely ornamental! And, of course, The Hubby dodged into the store while I waited in line in the Garden Center. He came back pleased as punch…he had found a light-up corgi Christmas decoration. We already have two, but I guess they had a puppy. We love corgis!! Are we already thinking about Christmas? I still haven’t decorated for Halloween. I’ll take care of that tomorrow….unless, I’m sleeping late. I plan on staying up tonight past midnight to see…well, to see if I might have won a Desert Star Award from the Desert Theatre League (DTL). I know…I know…but I’m an actor, and we crave affirmation…it’s like cocaine to us!

The DTL said the winners would be announced shortly after midnight….or “thereabouts.” Gah! So I guess all us theatre folk will be refreshing their computers screens or checking Facebook into the early morning or “thereabouts.” In the three previous seasons, I’ve accumulated a total of 5 nominations, but no awards. And this year, I just want to be one of the “cool kids.” I have four nominations this year; one for directing and three for performing, so I might just have a chance. As you can probably tell, I’m starting to fixate on this. And that’s not cool…especially when I know most of my fellow nominees. So, good luck to everyone!

Oops! I’m back. I had to take a little break there and put my ego in check. Also, Lizzie, our corgi was begging for some attention so I got down on the floor with her for some pets and snuggles. After a few minutes she fell asleep on my arm; I didn’t want to disturb her. She’s very early to spoil, especially since she is so well behaved and good natured. She just turned 12 this week, so she’s getting old. Poor, silly baby!

But back to the awards…and I promise to be good. I’m going to miss dressing up; I’m a clothes horse, remember? My first ceremony I wore a white dinner jacket tuxedo; the second year…a nice sports coat and jeans with a pretty brooch. I have quite a collection of vintage rhinestone brooches that I found on eBay. Some were also gifts from friends. I also give them away as gifts (so I can search and buy more!) But back to clothes…..last year I wore a black leather blazer with tight faded jeans tucked into tall motorcycle boots. Hmmm….I sensing a pattern here. With each year, my wardrobe choices have gotten sexier (!?). Maybe it’s a good thing that the awards ceremony was cancelled this year (due to COVID-19), I might have worn a jockstrap and a smile.

Anyhow, the rest of the day and evening seems pretty quiet. I’m going to make myself a nice sensible salad…..and hopefully by next Friday (when I step on the scales) I might see some improvement. Yeah, I’m vain….but I’m also cheap! I just don’t like having to buy larger sized clothes, when I have a closet of perfectly good clothes that have gotten too small for me. No, they haven’t gotten smaller…I’ve got bigger! But I have gotten back to my normal Pre-COVID weight…so that’s something. Which reminds me…I had a flash of a dream. It was a beautiful sunny day and I stepped outside and nobody was wearing masks and they were smiling at each other. I found it powerfully invigorating and erotic! Soon…soon…soon…

Well, time for my salad!


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