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Just Little Ole Michael Here!

Hello Loves!

It’s Michael here. I decided to pop in for today!

Well, Tiffy has found herself in a real pickle, and obviously her next move will be extremely important. I wish her all the best. And, thank goodness, Sharon is fine…..but that psycho nurse, Regina is still at large. I’d lock my windows and doors if I were you. And what about poor, Dino….will our sweet (but oh so sexy) actor/singer/dancer find his sugar daddy? Stay tuned!

And, of course, She-Bitch Lizzie is promising hell and eternal damnation to all that oppose her….with an extra intense level of loathing towards to the bathroom scales. She regained the half pound she previously lost. She has calmed down a bit, although she will never admit it. One of the perils of being a super diva is that you can rarely show weakness. Her eternal wrath will soon erupt, never fear.

And how am I doing? Eh! I also regained some weight….I knew that birthday cake I purchased and inhaled would come back to haunt me. So, I’m back counting calories. (Grumble). Otherwise, I’m doing fine, and trying to keep creatively active. Tiffy and She-Bitch Lizzie help. And I’m participating in a private play reading of THE LION IN WINTER, which I organized. I’m reading the role of Henry, the Peter O’Toole part. It’s one of the last roles in my “bucket list,” so some local theatre please, Please, PLEASE schedule it and cast me! I hope that wasn’t too subtle a hint. Hey, if you don’t ask, you’ll never get….and the worst thing that could happen is they say “no.” Well, actually, the worst scenario would be a theatre schedules the play, and then doesn’t cast me! Yikes!

But I consider myself to be “In Training” for a remount of the production of William Luce’s, BARRYMORE, which I performed several years ago. Call me psychic, but I’m sure that I’ll be performing it again, once social distanced audiences are allowed. The title charater has 53 pages of almost continuous very witty dialogue; an offstage prompter interjects throughout. Any-hoo, I’ve rememorized over half of the script, and, if I stay on schedule, I should have the entire script memorized by Thanksgiving. It’s a very simple production to mount, taking place on an almost bare stage. It’s keeping me focused during this…gawd!....this stressful, anxiety-producing period of time. Yep, they are going to write about this in history books….and we are part of it. Doesn’t that make you feel better? Me, neither.

Tim and I continue to sprinkle fairy dust all over the house. The remodeling of the master bathroom continues, and should be completed at the end of next week. Well, I mean, the workmen will be completed. And then we (ok, just Tim) will paint. Hey, but I have the pressure of having to pick the color! And if you pick the wrong color, you have to live with it for years! Unless, you’re one of the obscenely rich folk from Rancho Mirage….you know, the house gets redecorated every couple of years. And all their high-priced castoffs wind up in those incredible consignment shops in the area! But, I highly doubt that they are the demographic that this blog attracts. So, it’s us, my ducklings, here on the Island of Misfit Toys.

Otherwise, we are doing a little gardening. Tim pulled up some old, unattractive growth, and established a rose garden. Four bushes so far! And I’m laying cement pavers to create a little front patio underneath my office window. Oh, yes! And our orange tree continues to slowly die. I swear I can almost hear it screaming. I suspect when we have the other trees trimmed, Mr. Orange Tree will be chopped down.

Well, that’s all for now!

Happy Halloween!


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