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The Incredible Lightness of Doing Nothing...

Hello Lovelies,

I’m feeling very introspective right now, and I’m in the midst of processing a few recent developments in my life. Nothing serious…..The Hubby and I are NOT getting a divorce. We are doing just fine. But I am mulling over some minor personal issues. Oh Gawd!…this blog entry is getting way too serious way too quickly. But I would probably venture to guess that This Fucking Pandemic (TFP) is making many of us unpack (or at least shuffle around) our emotional baggage. Yeah, many of us have an obscene amount of free time….seven months’ worth, with more on the horizon.

Eeeek! New paragraph quickly! Change the subject! And you see….I think that’s been my problem. I’m trying to divert myself. I haven’t fully enjoyed and embraced my free time. I’ve been busy scheduling tasks for myself to fill up the time rather than enjoying the serenity (?) of being relaxed and unhurried. In trying to feel productive, I’ve probably added more stress onto myself….you know, besides the stress of navigating TFP. So, I’m going to enjoy my free time rather than fight against it. And it certainly hasn’t hurt that the weather has turned milder. Relaxing on the back patio in the shade is certainly a wonderful escape from cabin fever. A glass of iced tea (or wine) always at hand. Plus I don’t have to wear a mask a home.

Yeah, that’s starting to feel like an issue. Now, I’m not an anti-masker, certainly not! But I am starting to feel more and more physiologically restricted when wearing a mask….I’m starting to feel more introverted than usual…less communicative. I have my own theory as to the reason. Maybe I’ll chat about that later. So, I’ll probably limit my excursions outside our gated community, except for putting in a few hours at the Desert Rose Playhouse, and performing necessary errands. To be blunt, I’m getting tired of wearing the damned mask…and if being unmasked dictates staying at home …well, I guess that a choice that I’m making…at least for the immediate future. Ooh! This blog entry is becoming VERY serious!

Let’s just say that I’m going try this new approach for the remainder of the month. Now I don’t plan on being a hermit….definitely not! I’m not going to turn into Mrs. Haversham in Dickens’ GREAT EXPECTATIONS….no wandering through a dusty and cobwebbed filled house (well, I do hate dusting….so that part may be true)… sitting around in my rotting and torn leather gear…wishing for one last beer bust. LOL! No, there’s still the internet and other technical forms of communication, although I really don’t like talking on the phone. And, of course, I’ll continue to have friends over to dish and gossip while we sit far across from each other at my dining room table. But I also feel I need to learn to enjoy my own company. And wanna know something? That’s going to fine…because I’m a pretty nice person with a great deal of interests. I mean can you imagine having to live through TFP and disliking yourself?

So, tomorrow might feel a little freeform and maybe even unproductive at first. By the way, I’m typing this blog entry on Sunday night! Hopefully, if I proofread it tomorrow morning, before I post it Monday morning, there might be fewer grammatical errors. I know…I know…my grammar is horrendous. I need a proofreader and an editor. Can you believe I minored in English? I was never meant to be a writer! But I was born to be a cover girl!

Yep, that’s my crotch on the cover, gentle readers! My friends, Ian and Sukie, run the publishing company, Rattling Good Yarns., and they asked me to pose for the cover! According to the book’s press release:

Coming Soon From Rattling Good Yarns Press — Foreign Affairs: Male Tales of Lust & Love In this newest story collection from award-winning writer, Daniel M. Jaffe, red-blooded American men make mischief while vacationing abroad. They encounter a serial killer in a Munich bathhouse, a gay Holocaust ghost in Prague, a shape-shifting seductress in Mexico City, a desperate prostitute in Seville, a closeted Catholic school administrator in Dublin, and many others. These stories will transport, titillate, intrigue, and tug at your heartstrings.

Sounds like a fun read! Their website is:

Order a copy so you too can have my crotch in your greedy little hands!

Well, that’s all for now my faithful readers! Enjoy the day, and remember: “Make You Own Magic!”


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