Missing the Hugs!
Well, I just returned from an hour-long walk with Lizzie. Normally, our walks last about 30 minutes but this morning my friend, Timm McBride, came by to walk with us. Nothing especially unusual about that; we’ve started taking walks together (masked and socially distanced of course) twice a week….sometimes in his neighborhood….or maybe a nearby subdivision. Now Timm is one of the wittiest and most passionate people I know. And it’s always a pleasure chatting with him, since we can talk about really anything and everything. I never have to worry about my mild social anxiety - the irksome little voice in my head - telling me I have nothing of interest to say. The same annoying inner voice which tells me this blog is a waste of time. Also, a little shout out to Timm…we have good (no, great) stage chemistry as well….two seasons ago he was Max to my Captain Von Trapp in THE SOUND OF MUSIC; Wilbur to my Edna in HAIRSPRAY and the uber bitchy Miss Texas to my emcee Frankie Cavalier in PAGEANT…three consecutive productions together! And he’s currently nominated for his fabulous direction of the musical revue, BEEHIVE.
And, last night I had a chat with another talented, passionate actor, Yo Younger. She dropped by for a vodka gimlet (her fav cocktail), and we chatted across my long dining room table (it’s over 6 feet), unmasked with a small fan, circulating the air away from each other. Like Timm, I have no trouble gabbing and dishing with her….and we pretty much tell each other everything. Unlike Timm, however, we have only worked together as performers once, which was in my first production in the Coachella Valley, a dark comedy called CLARK GABLE SLEPT HERE. We’ve been fast friends ever since. The main reason that we haven’t worked together is that Yo is constantly in demand….she’s incredibly talented. I joke that she’s the resident Helen Hayes of the valley (please educate yourself and google Helen Hayes). She’s like the by-product if Vivien Leigh and Meryl Streep had an even more talented daughter. Anyhow, our schedules (and stars) have never aligned again to allow us to act opposite each other, although I did direct her two years ago in WHO’S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF? Her Martha was vicious, funny and ultimately heartbreaking. She’s also nominated this year for her work in HAND OF GOD and ADOPTION ROULETTE. Hint: It’s rare that she doesn’t take home at least one award….one year, she earned THREE!
I have talented friends, or, rather I have good friends, who happen to be very talented.
So, where is this leading? The hell if I know. I seem to always start these entries rather amorphously…and hope that a topic will emerge….followed by a pithy little conclusion and a Hallmark Christmas Movie life lesson. Sometimes I’m shocked at how twee (I love that word) I sound!
Ohhh…..I sense a topic is starting to form…..wait a sec…..let’s see what happens.
I suppose I’m talking about communication during this pandemic; People are starving for it. I’m starving for it. Although I love the IN PERSON chats, I miss the hugs. And, I’ll readily admit the internet has been a godsend during this troubling period….allowing us to have VIRTUAL conversations, nothing beats being physically close to each other. But we are living during a time when those physical interactions aren’t possible, and can be dangerous to our health. That really sucks, doesn’t it? Especially, since we need each other to help us through this!
I have this dream….not a real “while I’m asleep” dream….more like a hopeful image that once this pandemic is over that we will appreciate each other more…that we won’t take each other for granted…and hugs and handshakes and kisses and fist bumps will flow freely without reservation. There is a wonderful final scene in the movie, LONGTIME COMPANION (you really should watch it), in which all those who have passed away from AIDS are reunited with their living friends to love, laugh, forgive and reflect on their trials and tribulations. That’s what I hope will happen…that all those bottled up hugs will gush out like water breaking through a dam. I’m saving my hugs….and I hope you are as well. Be prepared because my big bear hugs can be bone crushing, so take your calcium. Is that twee enough?!
(Cue: Hallmark Christmas Movie Theme Music)