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Happy March 214th!

Hiya Lovelies. I was noticing my calendar this morning, and I was shocked to discover that today is the last day of September. Where has the month gone…or to be more precise, where have the last six months gone?! The afternoons (waiting for cocktail hour) and the evenings (shouldn’t I be at theatre rehearsing or performing?!) seem endless. But the weeks seem to fly by. It’s such a crazy paradox.

And I can’t believe that I have been writing this blog for over a month and a small handful of people seem to be still reading it! So thank you, kind and forgiving readers for stumbling through my rather ungrammatical ramblings. I’ve even caught The Hubby reading it. Anyhow, I hope that my blog entries/columns/musings/manifestos have improved since I started back in August.

Side Note: The house is filled with the aroma of bacon! I sometimes bake a pound of bacon at a time. I bake rather than fry, because it seems healthier…..or maybe I want it to be healthier! Bacon to me is the ultimate aphrodisiac…just dab a little bacon grease behind your ears, and I’m putty in your hands! And speaking of bacon grease, I always save it to make roux for gumbo. In fact, I’ll be making a huge pot of gumbo tomorrow (see my prior blog entry: MAKING THAT CRAZY GUMBO!). Goodbye, diet!

Anyhow, back to the passage of time. Back in mid-March, I, very guilelessly, created a daily schedule for myself. I was determined that I wasn’t going to waste time during the pandemic and the shut-down of non-essential businesses. So I thought it might be kinda fun to go through that schedule and make comments on the various tasks. So, here goes…

5:00-6:00 Coffee/Internet

Well, I usually get up at 4:30. Why? I haven’t the faintest idea! But I’m the first one up, and I make the morning coffee. Feed and let the dog outside. I never leave her alone – I’ve heard horror stories about dogs and coyotes! And then I fart around on the internet. Hey those “Beefcake” posts don’t happen like magic. I’ll have to write an entire blog entry just on them. I can only imagine what me Southern Baptist family thinks.

6:00-6:30 Walk Dog

I take Lizzie for a walk around the neighborhood. She’s quite popular. And while I walk her, I have an ongoing conversation with him; she’s a great listener, although she does pipe in every now and then. Usually commenting on her beauty and goodness and grace! She also helps me run lines when I’m memorizing a play. She’s quite the actress!

6:30-7:00 Planning

Usually, The Hubby is awake by the time Lizzie and I return from our promenade around the neighborhood. I am the First Lady of the HOA, remember? I might have second cup of coffee while I plan out my day.

7:00-8:30 Bicycling

Did I really think I was going to bicycle for 90 minutes? Actually, sometimes, I do, although it’s usually between 30 and 45 minutes. By that point, well, I start to chaff a bit “down under!” But during that time, I’m usually planning out this blog (Yes, I actually spend time thinking about what I might be writing. Can you believe it?) Or, I’m running lines again (I always like to be letter perfect.).

8:30-9:15 Workout with Resistance Bands

Not nearly enough. I just don’t have the self-discipline; that’s why I miss going to the gym and working out with my trainer. Yes, I know that the gyms have reopened, but I’m going to wait until November to possibly start back. I just don’t know. It’s rather frustrating. Ok, I promise to start working out with the resistance bands tomorrow.

9:15-10:00 Stretching

Um….the best laid plans and all. I really should play my DVD called TOTAL STRETCH FOR BEGINNERS with Tamilee. She’s really encouraging and non-judgmental. And I really need to stretch because I am limber as a peppermint stick!....which reminds me of Christmas. Am I going to put up the tree this year? We’ll see….I just purchased one of those grandma-esque light up ceramic Christmas trees from a vendor on eBay. I always wanted one, but, boy, they can be pricey! Anyway, back to the schedule…

10:00-11:00 Sunbathe

I know, I know… cancer. But I only do it once every three days and usually not for an hour (I hate laying – or is it lying? – around doing nothing). But I love having a bit of color and a speedo tan line. (See by prior blog entry HELLO, MARK SPITZ! for more details about my obsession with speedos!).

11:00-12:30 Dust/Chores

Dust? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, I think I gave myself a hernia!

12:30-1:00 Lunch

Usually, a nice sensible salad. (SIGH!) Why can’t chicken-fried steak and tater-tots be low calorie? I should write my congressman!

1:00-2:00 Memorize Script

Yes, I’m currently re-memorizing a one-man script I performed several years ago in Chicago, and if you search around my website, you can probably discover what it is. I’m hoping to do a couple of performances with one of the local theatres once live performances (with social-distanced audiences) are allowed.

2:00-5:00 Blog/Free Time

Sometimes I work on a jigsaw puzzle. I currently working on one with an image of dozens of doughnuts….not a wise choice when you are on a diet! Most of the time, I decide to have an afternoon nap, while The Hubby watches HOT BENCH and JUDGE JUDY, (which I mention in my blog-entry: A SELF–CARE DAY!) Let’s just say, I’m not a fan of either show. I reserved time to write my blog, but I normally write my blog in the morning when I should be working out or stretching. Right now. It’s 9:38 AM.

5:00-5:30 German

I feel so guilty about this. I haven’t even started. Learning German is a complex circumstance for me. Although my father is German, I never learned the language. I won’t go into the reasons behind this but I have my theories. But I do want to have some small smattering of German. I’ll start today. Promise.

5:30-10:00 Dinner/Movie/Swim

I have to confess, the evenings last forever! I really want to be rehearsing/performing. Dinner is always at home, and occasionally we order pick-up. Afterwards we crash on the sofa – sometimes with the dog – and watch television. I like a good horror movie, and usually The Hubby tolerates it. Otherwise, I enjoy a glass of wine on the patio, and run lines (see at pattern here?) until about 9:00 PM….that’s usually when I go to bed. Wow, my sleep patterns are going to have to change once theatre starts again….otherwise, I’ll be falling asleep during rehearsals or performances!

Now, where is that bacon?!?!?!



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